Village of Hilton
Zoning Code Update
RFP #01-2023
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to receive competitive proposals from qualified planning consultants and consultant teams, who are interested in coordinating the update to the Village’s Zoning Laws. The Zoning Code Update will reflect the vision, values and guiding principles of the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan Update (2020), which was awarded the NY Zoning Federation Comprehensive Plan Award Best in State for 2022. The Plan was branded “ Envision Hilton 2030” in an effort to engage the public and advance a thoughtful conversation to define a future for the community in 2030.
The Comprehensive Plan Update is based on five overarching principles: Livability, Service, Innovation, Sustainability and Community. It was the first recommendation in the plan to update zoning and development regulations to implement key plan concepts, and to promote increased predictability in the development review process.
A Zoning Update will assist the Village Board and the Zoning Board in codifying the policies and recommendations that are outlined in the Comprehensive Plan Update
Preparation of the plan will be undertaken through consultant(s) procured by the Village of Hilton and overseen by a Project Advisory Committee. At a minimum, the Project Advisory Committee will include one member from the Village Board, the Mayor, and two members from the Zoning board and shall include representatives from a large range of ethnic, social, and cultural backgrounds and a diverse range of stakeholders, such as residents, business owners, elected and appointed Village Officials.
The Village is seeking the services of a consultant to work with Village staff and Advisory Committee as a team to implement the project. The tasks provided below are general requirements for the Village Zoning Ordinance Update to reflect changes in local laws adopted in recent years. Furthermore, a number of zoning updates will address goals and objectives that was 10 outlined in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. It is expected that the chosen consultant will provide the Village with more specific recommendations for approaches, tasks and deliverables based on their experience and expertise from past work on similar Zoning Code updating projects. Upon selection of a consultant, a more formal scope including schedule, tasks and deliverables will be developed by the consultant and Village.
The Village of Hilton has been awarded funding through the New York Department of State (NYSDOS) Smart Growth Community Planning and Zoning Grant Program. The consultant shall assist the Village in ensuring that requirements of this program are met, as described in
the attached workplan.
Cost Proposal
Submit a not-to-exceed cost breakdown and proposal of the Zoning and Subdivision Update process, including travel and material expenses, for the work identified by the consultant in the Methodology and Approach and Timeframe sections of the proposal submittal. The costs
should be broken out with separate amounts provided for completion of 1) Task 1: Community Engagement; 2) Task 2: Zoning Update Preparation; 3) Task 3: Zoning Laws Final Format and 4) Task 4: Zoning District Map. The cost proposal shall include hourly not-to-exceed rates for each category of staff involved. A separate fee for each Task shall be provided so the Village can evaluate all responses comparatively.
A. ProjectInitiation/Kickoff
Conduct a meeting between the Village, the Consultant, and the Advisory Committee, to initiate work on the project. This first meeting should accomplish the following:
- Confirm the scope of work tasks and deliverables.
- Confirm roles and expectations.
- Review the project schedule, including the schedule for future meetings.
- Review the Community Outreach plan as described below, discuss the use of the Village website for keeping the public informed on the progress of the plan, and select dates and locations for the first stakeholders’ and public meetings.
- Establish/discuss a preliminary list of issues and opportunities, as well as a vision for the code update plan.
Products: A revised and finalized project scope and schedule. Finalized project scope shall incorporate comments made by the Advisory Committee and the NYSDOS.
B. Community Outreach Plan
Prepare a method and process to encourage community participation in the development and implementation of the Code Update. The outreach plan shall:
- Identify key individuals, organizations, and entities to be involved.
- Outline the visioning process and define community supported vision, goals, objectives, and policy statements.
- Describe and delegate the roles and responsibilities in coordinating the entire outreach process and 10 logistics.
- Provide a proposed schedule of public meetings.
- Identify other public engagement activities such as social media, workshops, charrettes, etc. to be used throughout the process.
At a minimum, the Community Participation Plan shall include interviews with local and regional stakeholders, a community tour, two public information meetings or workshops, one or more public hearings, and a webpage with links to announcements, presentations and documents prepared during the planning process.
All public meetings will be advertised in the community through the West Side News Paper, digital media, municipal website postings, and any other appropriate means. Meetings and public engagement shall be scheduled in a manner that maximizes attendance and participation from all interested community members. Outreach efforts should encourage participation from populations who are frequently underrepresented in this process, including immigrants, refugees, and minorities. A summary of each public outreach session will be made
available in written form and through other appropriate means, such as on a website or social media platforms.
Products: Draft and final community outreach plan. Summaries of public outreach opportunities and engagements. A finalized community outreach plan shall incorporate comments made by the Advisory Committee and the NYSDOS.
C. Community Tour and Stakeholder Interviews
Organize and conduct a community tour to obtain an on-the-ground understanding of local conditions and issues. The purpose of the tour is to provide contextual understanding of the municipality to the consultant team/Advisory Committee and ground truth desktop analyses. Following completion of the tour, identify a set of topics that shall be discussed with stakeholders to obtain additional relevant information and elicit stakeholder reactions and suggestions
Products: Community tour photos and a summary of interview findings
D. Public Information Sessions/Workshops
The consultant must conduct at least two public information sessions or workshops, as identified in the Community Outreach Plan. The purpose of these two public sessions is to identify Smart Growth oriented solutions to current issues. The first public session will be held after the conclusion of the Community Tour and Stakeholder Interviews. The first session will introduce the zoning code update to the public, provide an overview of the planning process, and will describe findings from the Community Tour and the Stakeholder Interviews. The
second session will take place after the conclusion of the draft regulations. It will provide the public with the opportunity to provide input on the draft regulations. The consultant may choose to hold additional public information sessions as needed, in consultation with the Advisory Committee.
Products: Public sessions or workshops held. Minutes/summary of meeting prepared including any presentations
or handouts and submitted.
E. Review of Existing Zoning/ Local Laws and Recommendations
The Zoning Code must address the following general Smart Growth principles, in addition to the elements
suggested by the New York State statutes:
• Promote mixed land uses in focus areas.
• Create an adequate range of housing opportunities and choices.
• Promote development and redevelopment where infrastructure is adequate and sustainable.
• Build on traits that make a distinctive and attractive community with a strong sense of place.
• Promote well-planned and well-placed public spaces.
• Promote sustainable, compact neighborhoods.
• Increase mobility and circulation within jurisdictional lines and improve connectivity with areas outside of jurisdictional lines.
• Promote sustainable mass transit that reduces the local level of greenhouse gas emissions.
• Promote walkable/bikeable neighborhood designs.
• Promote and integrate clean energy resources and related incentives.
• Improve green infrastructure and resident’s participation to this effort.
• Increase resiliency to extreme weather events.
• Encourage social diversity and integration.
• Expand planning and implementation efforts across jurisdictional lines, to increase effectiveness, sustainability, and resiliency.
• Promote community and stakeholder collaboration in planning.
• Redefining the Village districts to align with the current character of the neighborhood, as well as what the vision of the Village.
• Identifying and incorporating uses that are not included in the current code, such as “Mixed-use” and “Patio Homes.”
• Consider the establishment of a Planned Unit Development district as an overlay to allow for unique and creative development proposals that do not fit the standard zoning framework.
• Creating a zoning map that is consistent with standard land use practices.
The Zoning Code Update will include revisions and additions to the entire 275 Zoning Chapter with the following articles including, but not limiting to:
1. General provisions
2. Definitions
3. Zoning Districts
4. Supplemental Regulations
5. Development Review
6. Signage
7. Design standards
8. Nonconformities
9. Administration and enforcement
10. Subdivision
11. Zoning Maps
Products: An analysis and assessment of local zoning regulations will be submitted, along with recommendations that incorporate the elements listed above. A draft and final version of the report will be submitted, with the final version incorporating comments from the Advisory Committee and the NYSDOS. As the project progresses, the Village expects full draft versions submitted to the advisory committee, the Village Board and Attorney, NYSDOS and any other appropriate personnel. Presentations as needed to the Village Board, Advisory Committee, public, etc.
F. Proposed Local Regulations
Based on the assessment and recommendations provided, a draft code will be submitted. The Advisory Committee shall review the content of the new or amended local regulations before submitting them to the Village Board for review and comments. The Advisory Committee shall work with the consultant(s), if applicable, to ensure the Draft Code is consistent with the municipality’s adopted Comprehensive Plan, the Department’s Smart Growth Principles, and other state statutes.
Products: Draft zoning code submitted to the Advisory Committee and NYSDOS.
G. Village Board Review
After reviewed and approved by the Advisory committee, the draft code will be presented to the Village Board for review, comments, and recommendations. Comments, concerns, and recommendations should be provided back to the Advisory Committee prior to the initiation of the SEQRA compliance process. The proposed local regulations shall be made available for public review on the project website.
Products: Summary of comments from the Village Board shall be submitted to the Village Board. Revised proposed local regulations shall be submitted to the Advisory Board and NYSDOS.
H. Environmental Quality Review
Prepare materials necessary for compliance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and related documents and procedures.
Products: SEQRA Documents
I. County Planning Board Review
The consultant shall submit the proposed local regulations, after revisions incorporating comments by the Village Board have been made, to the County Planning Board for review and recommendations, pursuant to the required referral under General Municipal Law §239-m of the New York State General Municipal Law. The Advisory Committee and the consultant shall address the comments received from the County Planning Board before the public hearing.
Products: Comments received from the County Planning Board. The consultant will submit revised proposed local regulations based on the discussion of the comments with the Advisory Committee. Revisions will be submitted to the NYSDOS.
J. Public Hearing
Following completion of the new and amended zoning code, the consultant will assist in leading a public hearing to solicit comments on the new or amended regulations. The new or amended zoning code shall be made available in hard copy form in the municipal offices, the municipal website/project website and other key locations throughout the community. The public hearing will be publicized in the community through press releases, announcements, individual mailings, online posting on the municipal website, and any other appropriate means atleast ten days prior to the date of the public hearing.
Products: Published announcements and the minutes of the public hearing submitted to the Advisory Committee and the NYSDOS
K. Final Zoning Code Adoption
After all received comments and recommendations have been addressed, produce the final version of the proposed local regulations for the local adoption by the Village Board and subsequent filing with the Town/Village/City Clerk and in the office of the Secretary of State. The Village Board shall adopt the proposed local regulations pursuant to § 7-706 of the New York State Village Law.
Products: The final code will be prepared and delivered to the Village via digital format, hard copies, graphic files and GIS files. The Code must be prepared and coordinated with General Code and the E-Code format. Adopted local regulations and copy of the resolution of adoption submitted will be submitted to NYSDOS.
1. RFP Advertised: Thursday, September 28, 2023
2. RFP Questions Due: Thursday, October 12, 2023 (4:00 PM EST – will be posted on website)
3. Proposals Due: Thursday, October 26, 2023 (2:00 PM EST)
4. Interviews (up to 3 firms): Months of November and December 2023
5. Award Contract: Tuesday, January 2, 2024 (at Village Board meeting)
The Contract Term is expected to begin in January 2024 and end in June 2025.
For more details please click the below link