Town of Bethlehem Zoning Law and Subdivision Regulations Update – Request for Proposals

The Town of Bethlehem hereby requests proposals from qualified planning consultants and consultant teams who are interested in coordinating the update to the Town’s Zoning Law and Subdivision Regulations. The Zoning and Subdivision Update will reflect the vision, values and guiding principles of the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan Update (June 2022), which was awarded an APA New York Upstate Chapter Award for Comprehensive Planning.  A Zoning and Subdivision Update will assist the Town Board, the Planning Board, and Town Department of Economic Development and Planning in codifying the policies and recommendations that are outlined in the  Comprehensive Plan Update.

Firms seeking selection should submit a scope of work, budget including total project costs, resumes of key personnel, and a summary of related experience.  Responses are due by 2:00PM on Friday December 16, 2022.  For questions about this RFP, please contact Robert F. Leslie, AICP (Director of Planning) at