Now Accepting Nominations for the 2024 NYPF Awards
Each year, the NYPF offers six land use awards, each award recognizing excellence and achievement in New York State planning and zoning. We are happy to once again honor those individuals who give their time and talent to their communities and the municipalities that exceed expectations.
• David Allee Award for ZBA Chair. Presented to an outstanding Zoning Board of Appeals chair.
• John O. Cross Award for Planning Board Chair. Presented to an outstanding Planning
Board chair.
• Heissenbuttel Award for Planning Excellence. Presented to an individual, municipality or agency for outstanding accomplishment in the planning field and/or for consistent support
of the NYPF in its efforts to promote sound planning practice.
• Levine Community Service Award. Presented to an appointed member of a municipal board or committee who has done an outstanding job for his/her community and/or the NYPF.
• NYPF Comprehensive Plan Award. This award is given to a municipality or agency for an outstanding and/or innovative comprehensive plan or plan update adopted by the
municipality’s legislative body within the past three (3) years.
• Pomeroy Award for Zoning Achievement. Presented to an individual, municipality or agency for consistent high-quality work and/or an outstanding contribution to zoning in New York State through the development of a specific zoning law or legal agreement.
Complete the following information to submit your nomination. For more information call 518-512-
5270 (Fax 518-512-5274)