Model Training Resolution

The Planning Federation has developed a Model Training Resolution that communities can use or modify to begin the training of local planning and zoning board members, as required now under New York Law.
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Model Resolution Establishing Mandatory Training for Planning Boards & Zoning Boards of Appeal
WHEREAS, the adoption and implementation of Local Land Use decisions have a profound effect on the character of a community and the well being of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the administration of Land Use Laws is a complex and highly diverse process that requires specialized knowledge and familiarity with the applicable laws and regulations; and WHEREAS, the _________________ of ____________________ desires to provide, for the benefit of its citizens, a well trained and knowledgeable body of officials to administer the Local Land Use process.

1. Pursuant to the provisions of Town/City/Village Law Section ____ * all Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals members shall be required to complete at least four (4) hours of suitable training per year.

2. The authority to determine suitable training is hereby delegated from the __________ (governing body) to the respective Planning and Zoning Board chairs, who shall note annually in Board minutes the selected training.

3. The training requirement may be satisfied by educational activities substantially devoted to planning, zoning or other land use issues such as (1) attending conferences, seminars or workshops; (2) participating in on-line training or tutorials; (3) attending college courses; (4) reading journal articles or books; (5) any other educational activities considered acceptable by the respective Board chair. Training may be offered by a municipality, regional or county planning office or commission, county, regional or state planning federation, state agency, statewide municipal association, college or university or other similar entity.

4. A record of annual completion of training shall be maintained by the Town/City/Village clerk or planning director and a copy provided to the __________ (governing body) prior to considering a Planning Board or Zoning Board member for reappointment. Eligibility for reappointment to these Boards shall be conditioned upon completion of training prior to the end of each calendar year.

5. Suitable training in excess of four (4) hours per year may be accumulated and carried over into the succeeding year for the purpose of satisfying these training requirements.

* 267 and 271 (Town Law); 7-712 and 7-718 (Village Law); 27 and 81 (General City Law)